University of Cyprus Project Scientific Coordinator Yiorgos L. Chrysanthou is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Depart...
Cyprus University of Technology Project Deputy Scientific Coordinator, Principal Investigator Despina Michael is an Assistant Professor at...
Nicosia Municipality Project Coordinator Charis Theocharous works as a European Affairs Officer at the European Office o...
Open University of Cyprus Principal Investigator Loizos Michael is an Assistant Professor at Open University of Cyprus, where he...
Max Planck Institute for Informatics Principal Investigator Before Kristina turned General Manager of the MMCI, she received her Master in ...
University College London Principal Investigator Professor Anthony Steed, is head of the Virtual Environments and Computer Graph...
Cyprus University of Technology Dr. Andreas Lanitis is currently an Associate Professor, in the Department of M...
University of Cyprus Dr. Marios Avraamides is an Associate Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the ...