University of Cyprus Aimilios Michael, Architect Engineer Dipl.Arch.Eng., M.Sc., Ph.D., is a Lecture...
University College London As a researcher and entrepreneur, Alastair supports start-up activity and SME e...
University of Cyprus Alessandro Artusi is a Ramon y Cajal fellow at the University of Girona, Spain....
University of Cyprus Alexia Galati is a postdoctoral researcher at the Experimental Psychology Lab a...
Cyprus University of Technology Andreas Prodromou has close to two decades experience in entrepreneurship in a ...
University of Cyprus Athos Antoniades received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cy...
Cyprus University of Technology Christos Kyrlitsias is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Multimedia & Graphi...
Nicosia Municipality Efstathios Stavrakis is currently the Scientific and Technical Consultant for R...
University of Cyprus Entrepreneur with over 20 years of international experience in IT and Telecommu...
University of Cyprus Kleanthis Neokleous is a postdoctoral scientist at the Deparment of Psychology ...
Cyprus University of Technology Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert is associate professor at the Department of Multime...
University of Cyprus Marios Kyriakou is a post-doctoral researcher at the Computer Graphics Lab of t...
University College London Martin is responsible for the design and implementation of a new Innovation Man...
University College London Peter is an experienced executive and entrepreneur who has formed several techn...
Max Planck Institute for Informatics Simon Olberding received his PhD in the Embodied Interaction group at the Max P...